Social Media As A Search Engine: A Popular Google Alternative for Gen Z Users


If you want to rally your business on the right road to success, it is essential to distinctly promote your brand on social media platforms. Advanced voice assistants, dynamic user behavior, and modern AI chatbots are changing the game for social media SEO algorithms. 

2024 experienced a huge hike in mobile device usage to access the Internet compared to desktops. The results highlight the importance of this migration and how users utilize online content and commerce. 

Gen Z users are shifting to social media platforms to conduct general searches instead of Google. Social platforms are more than just a tool to connect with people and interact. Although these statistics do not confirm the replacement of Google by social media, we cannot dispose of the idea altogether. 

Let us take you on a tour of insightful statistics for social media search in 2024 - 

  • Social media content impacts more than seventy-one percent of B2B business decisions

  • Google, the search engine giant has confirmed that forty-percent Internet users between the age group of eighteen to twenty-four use TikTok and Instagram for brand-specific search purposes

  • YouTube is the second largest search engine on the Internet after Google

  • Google usage for search purposes is reduced by twenty percent for Gen Z users 

  • Twenty-four percent of Internet users confirmed they find new brands regularly on social media 

  • Thirty percent fewer Gen Z users check for brand names on social platforms compared to search engines 

  • Thirty-five percent of millennials admitted to using social media for search content 

  • Only four percent of users access the Internet through laptops/desktops in 2024 

  • Fifty-seven percent of Gen Z users access YouTube for search queries the same way others use Google 

  • Thirty-five percent of Gen Z Internet users admit that there will be limited information access if TikTok is banned 

Why Are Gen-Z Users Choosing Social Media As A Search Engine?

Speed, minimalism, and personalized, and visually pleasing content are the primary reasons for this big shift. Social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube are traditional search engine competition because of the user-centric, new, and relevant content access all the time. Content on these platforms has limited written content but impactful videos and graphics to clarify your search queries. 

Moreover, social media offers community options where users can interact and share experiences about their searches and connect with like-minded people. This adds a competitive edge to the social platforms compared to original search engines. 

Why Is It Important To Promote Your Brand On A Social Search Engine?

Data highlights that social media as a search engine helps to build trust between brands and customers. Moreover, users admit that they get access to a variety of new content on Instagram and TikTok that they did not know about. Attractive visual learning guides keep the audiences hooked to complete a video regardless of short attention spans and ad breaks. Additionally, viewers relate forty percent more with brands if they advertise on TikTok. 

Gen-Z users will check platform X for new TV shows, visit the Facebook marketplace for headlines and trends, go to Uber Eats for the best food delivery options in the neighborhood, or scroll through Pinterest to find the best horror book series. These are some of the growing reasons for brands to understand the necessity of a social search-inclusive marketing strategy other than conventional techniques. 

You will notice how Instagram images, TikTok videos, X tweets, and YouTube shorts appear on Google search results. These are signs of social search enhancement and the ever-changing SEO algorithms for social media platforms on SERP. Whether you are a small business owner or a big league player, it is high time to realign your marketing strategies to optimize your SM accounts as social finders for users. 

How To Optimize Your TikTok For Search Purposes?

TikTok emerged as a sensational social media platform since the pandemic. It offers premium-quality content and has enhanced the content consumption experience considerably. While TikTok is a phenomenal channel for social interactions, improving your SEO efforts can help you gain the right audience for your brand. Moreover, you will be happy to learn that the platform has added the video description character length for better optimization opportunities. You have to implement keywords in all areas of the account to fetch optimal results. You can optimize your TikTok account with keyword addition to the following fields - 

  • Account bio 

  • Username 

  • Hashtags 

  • Descriptions 

  • Captions 

  • Video texts 

Favorite Instagram Search Purposes 

Some of the trending topics for Instagram search users are fashion brands, lifestyles, interior design, travel, food blogs, sports, etc. Illustrative and visually pleasing Instagram images continually inspire users. Organic content and featured profiles are auto-populated on the Instagram search bar when you type an inquiry. 

Top Social Media Search Trends in 2024 

 - Changing Search Sequences - Social media is a popular choice to provide a complete user search experience with its multimodal features. Hashtags and keywords play a crucial role to strengthen content elements and offer a seamless navigation experience to consumers related to products, brands, topics, industries, queries, etc. 

 - The Rise of Voice and Visual Search - AI tools have enhanced the landscape of search techniques. No longer do you need to type to get your queries sorted. You can simply tap a button and speak to your smartphone for accurate search results. Moreover, buying and socializing experiences are narrowed down with an immersive visual search to enhance the purchase experience directly from the platforms. Brands are upgrading their search functionalities on social platforms with AI and machine learning social media integration. 

 - Rise of Gen-Z Decision-Makers - The younger generation is making remarkable contributions with resourceful workplace decisions. Keeping in mind, user accessibility and ease of navigation, G-Z marketers are employing iconic strategies to improve customer journeys on social platforms.

 - Increase of Shopping Users - Social media platforms are increasingly used by consumers to check product details, clear FAQ facts, and get an on-demand purchase experience. Brands can make use of this opportunity to create compelling FAQ videos rather than post long-written answers or offer a social media live assistant to clarify brand-related queries. It will help increase brand loyalty and improve conversions. 

How To Optimize Your SM Account For Social Search Engine? 

If you want to improve your brand's visibility, attract organic traffic, and increase lead conversions, start promoting and optimizing your social media accounts for search purposes with the following factors in mind - 

  • Easy brand names and profile handles with relevant keywords to enhance search visibility

  • Include website link on profile bios to help users easily switch platforms

  • Remember to share brand contact details to help audiences connect with you 

  • Include keywords on every information field like captions, text overlays, videos, descriptions, Alt texts, hashtags, titles, etc. Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, and SEMrush are excellent keyword research tools to help you begin 

  • Add 2-3 hashtags to each post for your social media business profile for better exposure and visibility 

Following these practices helps your business account to remain competitive and make positive impacts on SERPs. 

Benefits Of Social Media As A Search Engine

Check out some of the exclusive advantages of using social media as a search engine - 

  1. Multipurpose Search - Brand owners can analyze competitor and user behaviors on social media to frame their own strategies of engagement. Similarly, social media platforms enable users to conduct voice searches, video searches, and image searches for brands. This multi-facility approach is a game-changer compared to traditional search engines.

  2. Immediacy - The high speed and bouquet of solutions help users find out about your brand through social media platforms without pushing to visit your website. They can easily get an overview of your goals, products, industry, and solutions through social media profiles. 

  3. Personalization - Brands can customize the user experience on their social media pages promoting products of their choice, content of their liking, and solutions to their problems. 

  4. Improved SERP Appearances - Proper SEO strategies for social search improve your brand's rankings on SERPs. It enhances visibility and draws the right set of target audiences conveniently.

  5. Search Result Accuracy and Options - Users get a wide range of search options from social media searches compared to customary search engines. Dynamic choices improve the surfing experience and help the customer connect with the right brand to get a product or solution that impacts their lives positively.  

Talk To Our Social Media Search Experts 

Expert digital marketers at MyTasker understand the value of branding and the relevance of strong social media strategies. 

Connect with us today to improve your business's digital footprint and successfully harness the power of social search engines. 


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