Drip Marketing: A Complete Guide To Effectively Nurture Leads

Drip marketing campaign got its name from irrigation. As a farmer slowly nurtures a sapling and helps it grow, drip marketers foster relationships with customers by providing them with information and insights.  

The sole purpose of a drip marketing campaign is to reach the correct set of audiences at the right time. 

At times, it may happen that you are absolutely enthralled by how an organization works and subscribe to their newsletter. However, once you do that, it is common to feel that you are out of the loop and have missed the hundreds of emails sent previously. This is because once you subscribe to a particular organization's newsletter, you are only updated with the recent ones and unaware of what was happening in the past.

 This is where drip marketing ideas come in and provide you with an easy solution.

In this article, we will discuss the little integrities of drip marketing campaigns and how they can help you easily engage with your customers. 

Before proceeding with the rest of the article, let us first know what drip marketing is about!

What are Drip Marketing Campaigns? 

Essential digital marketing strategy is a unique strategy that allows you to send out marketing emails automatically, which are scheduled on the basis of users' actions. It is known to people by various other names, such as:

  • Drip marketing campaigns
  • Autoresponders
  • Life cycle emails
  • Automated marketing
  • Automated email campaigns

The best part about drip campaigns is that you can customize them according to your own will and choose the cadence with which they are sent. 

The emails are crafted and designed in a way so that you can send one as soon as someone signs up for your newsletter. Then, exactly three days later, and then after the next weekend, another email will be sent to that person. 

This automatically changes according to the email recipient's actions when the message is sent to their inbox. Moreover, the content of each email is in accordance with the person who has performed a few actions that can trigger certain drip marketing actions like:

  • Subscribing for a service
  • Making a new purchase
  • Letting go of a shopping cart
  • Signing up for a virtual get-together

Improved engagement metrics come from a queue of mail that has already been written and does not require manual functioning to send each one.  These are customized with the contact name, company details, and many other things.

Simply put, drift marketing plans are all about giving the right information to the customers at the right time. At times, customers might subscribe to your newsletter, and on the other hand, you can also see a customer who has been on the premium upgrade page for a few weeks now but has not yet subscribed to it. Re-engagement campaigns are sent to them with proper reasons so that they choose to upgrade to the premium plans. 

The options that come with drip marketing campaigns are huge, and you can connect with the leads, engage with the customers who made the purchases, connect with other people, and communicate with potential leads at the same time. You can tell them about yourself and your company so that they get the scope to know more about your enticing offers.

Drip Marketing Campaigns are Carried Out in Certain Scenarios like:

  • Date-based automation: These campaigns are conducted on special occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, or other notable holidays.
  • Renewals: These campaigns are usually conducted to retain customers and ensure that they continue with the services. Additionally, these campaigns notify the customer regarding the renewal of a subscription or a specific product.
  • User action: Drip campaigns like these are conducted when a specific user has an abandoned cart or caters to someone who continuously browses through a particular product. 

The advent of AI and other upgraded tech has transformed the digital world to a great extent. Similarly, email marketing has developed too. AI can automate emails and ping each subscriber regarding their engagement to provide up-to-date information. Therefore, to make the most of drip marketing, use these powerful AI features to get maximum benefits.

Why is it Important to Improve Engagement Metrics? 

The main objective behind using an essential content marketing strategy is to understand and identify the specific user group that can help you segregate the email list on the basis of the demographics, the sign-up date, the order cart history, and at the same time, help you to engage with the users. Therefore, in doing so, you are able to reach out to potential customers and understand when they're ready to make a purchase. 

It is pointless to argue that drip campaigns have a unique way of boosting customer engagement. Still, it is better not to overdo it. Cluttering your customer's inbox with too many emails will only annoy them. So, be thoughtful and make use of your drip campaign to remind the customers to buy your products, subscribe to your services, or upgrade their existing plans.  

When do You Need to Use Email Marketing Tools?

In the initial days, drip marketing was carried out via paper mail or flyers after setting the initial point of contact. Now, since the internet has a myriad of messaging options, there are innumerable ways to get the most out of your drip marketing. 

It is fascinating to know that most drip marketers rely on the “Law of 29”. There is a  common notion that a person won’t buy a particular product or service until and unless they have seen it at least 29 times. Drip campaigns are the best if you are trying to generate leads with automated reply services other than relying on personal follow-ups. 

Solid Marketing Strategy - How Does It Work?

Drip marketing campaigns might look like they are not up to the mark and have a lower impact. However, for establishing long-term relationships, drip campaigns are the best.

The most common factor when it comes to drip marketing is the use of email. Emails are easy, convenient, and can be seamlessly automated. When communicating via drip emails, a customer must fill out an online form that allows them to enter the autoresponder schemes from which an entire program manages the campaign accordingly. 

You can also incorporate social media platforms to enhance your drip marketing strategies. Link your social media accounts to your drip campaigns and never miss an update again.

When to Use Email Marketing Tools?

When you set up a drip campaign, you are gathering information to reach your readers with the aim of turning them into paying customers. 

Therefore, if you want to incorporate drip campaigns but are not sure why, here's a list made especially for you:

1. Welcome Emails

Once you have pulled your marketing job by attracting customers to sign up for your newsletter successfully, it is time for you to specify the various aspects of your products. Once you have mentioned why your product is better than the rest, you need to send out welcome emails to your customers. Specify a few top contents that will attract their attention. Send them your most recent blogs and conduct a case study to understand how your customers are using your products.

Greet your customers by sending them a simple “Hi, Greetings of the day!” 

2. Onboarding Hooks

After welcoming your customers to your organization, send them an onboarding message highlighting the products that are beneficial to them. This will help you target sales, which can be anything, from downloading your organization app to enlisting themselves for webinars. 

However, writing a crisp newsletter or offering a flash sale to your customers is not enough. There are innumerable customer who ditch their fully loaded shopping cart. Your task is to ensure that they do not abandon the products that are added to their shopping cart but buy them. 

If you notice that a particular customer has kept a product added to their cart for too long, use a drip to follow up with them and corroborate that it is still available. 

For this, you do not need to go out and sell your product directly but communicate via a sales page that explains the perks of your product. Send this to all those who are interested but have not yet purchased. 

3. Provide for the leads

Getting leads will give you hope. This might be a bit time-consuming, but you must keep your patience until and unless you generate a sale. Nurturing leads can either be educating your customers about your product or services. On the other hand, it can help them with a variety of features like free trials or an exciting discount.

It is practically impossible for you to keep track of all the emails and explain your products and services to each and every user.  Let your drip emails do that for you. 

Welcome your customers, engage with them, and let your shopping card drip take care of your customers, generate leads, and convert them into full-time customers. 

4. Recommendations

Recommendations hold the power to turn the sales scenario of your business massively. The more you get acquainted with your customer's buying tendencies, the more it will help you understand their buying habit. You can, therefore, send them targeted emails stating the specificities of the products or give them a different option to guarantee a sale. 

You do not need to have a million-dollar business organization. Be smart and implement your knowledge by segregating the drips and highlighting your services' prime aspects. Know the most used services and the type of content that attracts the most attention. 

5. Follow-ups

Make sure to follow up with your customers. Check if they have extended their subscription or if it is going to expire. For customers who chose autorenewal services, send them an alert notifying the same.

Moreover, you can send an automated drip marketing campaign mail saying “thank you”  after your customers make a purchase. You can continue with the conversation by notifying them about similar products and upsells. 

Monitor the sales and purchase procedures, and you can send them another email asking about their review.

Also, you can provide them with a course schedule, explaining how to increase blog traffic and keep the audiences engaged. Once they are satisfied with your product, they are more likely to subscribe to a premium plan.

Now, things won’t always be smooth. If you find a customer who has clicked the unsubscribed button, instead of getting angry, try for one last time and send them an automated email saying, “We are sad to see you go.” 

Always remember that customers do not always unsubscribe because they do not like your brand.

Wrapping up!

It does not matter if you are setting up the drip campaign to increase user engagement or customer addition. Along with these, you need to take care of a number of parameters, like analyzing the rate of success and the bounce rates, that will enable you to have a closer look at how your campaign is performing. 

The experts at MyTasker are adept at conducting campaigns that will improve your actual engagement elements in marketing. Contact us today to revamp your lead generation and nurturing strategy through proven drip marketing campaigns

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