Where can you find virtual assistant service providers?

Virtual Assistants, providing efficiency in business operations.

When searching for a virtual assistant service provider, there are several factors to take into consideration.

First and foremost, figure out what sort of virtual assistance you require.
You may find yourself in one of the below scenarios while finding a VA service provider:

When searching for a virtual assistant service provider, there are several factors to take into consideration.

First and foremost, figure out what sort of virtual assistance you require.
You may find yourself in one of the below scenarios while finding a VA service provider:

Scenario 1

You need an individual with expertise in a specific field or craft that requires a special setup and environment, such as music or sound engineering.

If you need an independent VA with specific skills, be it for a project or ad-hoc work, check freelancing sites such as Upwork, Fivver and Peopleperhour.

You can also find them on online virtual assistant groups on Facebook and LinkedIn. However, ensure to check their previous work and client reviews.

Many virtual assistant (VA) companies have employees who possess these skill sets. However, it's recommended to choose an independent VA with a top-notch setup. If you prefer to work with a company, opt for one that specializes in these professions and has the required work setup.

If you're looking for someone local, consider checking sites like Bark,  Freelancer or contacting your local Chamber of Commerce, especially if you are in the US.

Even Upwork and Fiverr give you the option to find local freelancers.

Scenario 2

You need a group of remote assistants, along with a point of contact, who can assist you with a gamut of business development and maintenance tasks (easy to advance), such as accounting, website designing and development, digital marketing, administrative tasks and research.

If you want a team of skilled professionals working for you and a point of contact, opt for a Virtual Assistant company. Why so? Because they usually have a pool of versatile virtual assistants, and their supervisors act as your points of contact.

Besides, when you work with a company, you can think freely about scalability and get them to sign a non-disclosure agreement (for data security) as well.

You can find a list of top-reviewed or ranked VA companies at Virtual Assistant Assistant, Investopedia, and small-balance businesses.

Scenario 3

You need a dedicated personal assistant whom you can train and rely upon.
You have the option of hiring a freelance virtual assistant from online freelance marketplaces such as Upwork or Fiverr. You can interact with them directly, and assimilate them in your virtual work environment at a wallet-friendly price.

However, it's preferable to acquire one from a virtual assistant company. Choosing this option provides the advantage of having a backup assistant available in the absence of your dedicated assistant and the ability to scale your remote team as needed.
Additionally, you'll have access to a diverse team capable of handling various tasks and ad hoc work.

With virtual assistant companies, you can have the following:

  • A dedicated assistant for administrative tasks.
  • A team of skilled professionals for specialized tasks like content writing and video editing.
  • A point of contact or team manager.

Note: Like any other product or industry, the VA industry is plagued with fake and manipulated reviews. Check whether the individual or VA company has video testimonials from their clients.

Many  VA companies focus a lot on video reviews. MyTasker has created a separate testimonial page consisting of client reviews.

Do your authenticity checks. For example —

  1. Check the number of 3-star and 4-star reviews (balanced reviews). All 5-star reviews are often too good to be true.
  2. Check the frequency of posted reviews. Too many reviews posted in a short period raise a red flag.
  3. Check the reviewers' profile pictures and email IDs. If you can contact them, please ask for their suggestions.
  4. Check whether the review is superlative words-oriented or experience-oriented (in-depth). Go for the latter.
  5. Check typos and syntax. Those who engage in bulk reviewing often make these mistakes due to carelessness, lack of language proficiency (especially among non-native speakers), or copying and pasting similar reviews with minor changes.
  6. Check if they have any client testimonial playlists (videos) or not. Genuine service or product websites often have a separate page dedicated to their clients’ stories.

Once you finish your authenticity check, contact the VA or company and request a trial service. It's always recommended that you try a service before subscribing.

Tips to begin your association with a Virtual Assistant (be it an individual or a company)

Test Skills

Consider using paid trial tasks or skill assessments if they are critical to the project.

Start Small

Begin with a trial project or a milestone for evaluation.

Be Clear

Communicate requirements clearly to avoid misunderstandings.

Set Milestones

Establish clear milestones and deadlines.

Use Safe Payments

Use escrow or milestone payments for added security.

Open Communication

Maintain regular communication to address any issues.

Work & Data Security

Ask for the backup and NDA options.

Trust Instincts

If something feels off, don't hesitate to reconsider.

To know more about VA Service providers and boost your productivity as well as delegate your tasks efficiently, follow our website blog page
You can also drop us a line at info@mytasker.com.

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