11 Blog Writing Tips for Non-Writers

Blogging may sound daunting at first, especially when you think of the writing part. Even more so, if you are not a writer - you may have endless questions about what to write and where to start. Fortunately, we have come up with a list of blog writing tips for non-writers to help you out.

 First things first, you need to figure out why you want to start a blog. Is it because you want to put forth your ideas, opinions, or tips on something? Or do you want to share the latest news in your industry? Or maybe, blogging would be vital for your brand? 

Whatever the reason may be, the good news is that you do not need to be the God of writing to start a blog. 

If you are still wondering for some how-to-blog tips, read along :

  • Read, read and read
  • Start with strategy
  • Write an outline
  • Set the tone
  • Think about your readers
  • Keep the blog short
  • Think creatively
  • Use content writing tools
  • Develop other useful skills
  • Do not force yourself
  • Keep writing

Let us explore!

The Best Blog Writing Tips for Non-writers

1. Read, Read and Read

Good writers are, by nature, good readers as well. Even if you are not a writer, reading can plant more and more ideas in your head for your blog. 

Whether it is a thought leader in your industry, a funny post from a famous content creation company, or your favorite blog, reading helps guide and inspire your writing process. 

You can set aside some time every day to read up on topics relevant to you and your blog. 

2. Start with Strategy

There will be days when you feel it in your bones that writing is just the thing you were born for. On the other hand, there will be days when writing feels like an arduous task - even professional writers think that way sometimes, so that is okay! 

How do you ensure you succeed in writing a blog, then? You can do so by setting a clear roadmap of where you want your blog to go. The strategy may include:

  • Whether you want to build brand awareness, sell a specific product or service, or promote an event
  • How often you are going to write and distribute content on your blog
  • The kinds of topics your readers may be interested in

Setting a roadmap or a strategy can help you know exactly what you are going to write on your blog.

3. Write An Outline

Writing a blog gets easier when you write your blog outline first. 

You may think writing a 1,500-word blog post is impossible for you if you are a non-writer. When you have an outline at hand, though, you are more likely to think that writing such a long blog post may be possible, after all. 

Writing an outline helps you clear your mind as to what your blog post will talk about. In this way, rather than going around in circles, you can ensure your blog post will stay focused on a particular topic. It also helps to break down a long piece of content into smaller sections which are easier to tackle for a newbie.

4. Set the Tone

When writing a blog, do not forget to use a certain tone and try to maintain it throughout your blogging journey. Set the tone of your blog depending on your audience, your topics, and your brand. 

If your brand is small and more personal, write your blog in a conversational tone. If your topics are somewhat serious and your readers belong to the corporate world, try to reflect that in your writing. 

Imagine reading a blog post about the author’s travel story to the Bahamas. What if the author writes that post using a formal tone? As a reader, you would get tremendously bored. Therefore, before starting to write a blog, it is crucial to define the tone.

5. Think about Your Readers

One of the most effective blogging tips for non-writers is to write for your readers. It may sound obvious, but plenty of bloggers forget this practice and start writing for themselves. You can begin answering questions to yourself like:

  • What common questions do your customers or audience ask?
  • What trends may they be excited about?
  • What pieces of information do you think they should be educated on?

Remember, your blog should contain something your audience would want to read, not what you want to read or write. 

You do not need to impress your audience, but you do need to engage with them. Only then can you make your blog enjoyable and useful for your readers. 

6. Keep the Blog Short

A common danger any non-writer can run into when writing a blog is to start rambling. You may have started writing on a topic you thought your audience would love, and before you know it, you have drifted away from the topic five paragraphs ago. 

Again, this is where a blog outline comes in handy. The ideal length of your blog would depend on its topic. 

For example, it makes no sense to talk about your trip to the Maldives in a 3,000-word blog. Similarly, 500 words would not be enough for a blog on content marketing metrics

For the same reason, you need to make your blog scannable, too. Try to break up your blog post into clear headings and subheadings. Shorter chunks of content make it easier for your readers to get the gist of your blog in a short amount of time. 

Use paragraphs, too, throughout your content. Ideally, each paragraph should contain 3 to 4 sentences, at the most. 

7. Think Creatively

Instead of writing all your blog posts in paragraphs, why not shake things up a bit? You can:

  • Use bulleted lists, like this one
  • Create a photo blog
  • Have a blog containing GIFs
  • Feature slideshows, videos, or webinars
  • Write about your podcasts
  • Invite guest posts on your blog
  • Offer printable checklists

Chances are, the same topics have been talked about in several different blogs. However, the trick is to find your own unique angle and give your blog a creative twist.

8. Use Content Writing Tools

If you need blog writing tips for non-writers, there are plenty of resources and tools on the internet to help you out. 

One of the most popular content writing tools is Grammarly Premium, which can polish your blog into user-friendly content. 

You can select an AI writing tool, too. For example, Writesonic allows you to select a template and write a short description of your blog requirements. In a few minutes, the tool will produce multiple content samples you can choose from. 

9. Develop Other Useful Skills

Blogging is not just about the ability to write. You need to promote the blog post after publishing it. Only then can you get people to read your blog. 

The point is that you can become a better blogger despite being a non-writer when you take the time to learn skills useful for blogging. 

To promote your blog, you would need to know about social media marketing, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and email marketing. Learning these skills will also let you wear multiple hats at a time and make your blogging journey more fun than usual. 

For example, you may choose to learn how to write outreach emails to get backlinks from reputable sites. Or you can learn the best international SEO techniques to boost your blog traffic.

10. Do Not Force Yourself

This is one of the most important writing tips for non-writers. You should write naturally, or write when you are inspired to write. 

If you compel yourself to write a blog daily or weekly, it will only be a matter of days before you find yourself frustrated. As a result, even if you continue to write when you do not really want to, it will show in your writing. 

Once you do or think of something that motivates or inspires you, you will find the words flowing on their own. 

11. Keep Writing

Finally, if you want to learn how to start writing a blog, you need to keep writing. Not every post you write is going to be your best. You may need some more time to become comfortable blogging. 

That is alright because getting better at writing takes time and discipline. Stick to your blogging strategy and keep learning from your past writing mistakes. 

Conclusion: Blogging Guides for Non-Writers

Now that you know some blog writing tips for non-writers, it does not matter whether or not you consider yourself a writer. Being a non-writer should not stop you from sharing your thoughts with the world. Further, it cannot stop you from creating a successful blog that people would want to read. 

The only problem you may face when blogging is the lack of time. To work around this difficulty, reach out to the Content Writing Professionals at MyTasker. They can help you write unique, easily digestible blogs that would engage your readers, highlight your brand personality, and grow your business.

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