What Does Repurposing Content Mean In 2023?


Content creators spend their days differently brainstorming and looking into different types of projects. The content output is exceptional on some days. However, all days are not the same, and even with that extra effort, sometimes the content quality is not up to the mark.

So, how can you engage the audience with splendid and existing content without having to generate ideas from scratch? The answer is repurposing content.

At such times, you can repurpose your content into another format. It is ideal for sharing your content on multiple social media platforms that can help to generate enormous traffic to your website. This method enables the audience to interact on various platforms with the help of relatable and valuable content.  

You must be wondering how this method can save you time, energy, and money. So, are you eager to learn how to repurpose content? This blog will clear your doubts about repurposing content. Firstly, clarify your understanding of what it means to repurpose content. Let us check how. 

How Can You Repurpose Content In 2023?

Content repurposing allows you to distribute your old content across multiple platforms. If you are wondering how to repurpose content, here’s how. Well, the answer to your question is simple, as the definition suggested. Here is an example to clarify your understanding of the process. Suppose you created content and posted it a while ago, the quality of which is questionable. In such a case, it is crucial to ensure that after repurposing content, it will catch the audience’s attention. 

All you need to do in such instances is repurpose the content you created earlier and simplify it with highlighted bullet points. Once the repurposed content is converted into an infographic, you can go ahead to post it on Twitter. This is an easy trick to repurpose your previous content without having to write anything from scratch. Also, it is essential to share the content on more than one social media platform. 

Benefits Of Repurposing Content

There are numerous advantages to repurposing content. Let us check a few of them: 

benefits of repurposing content

  • Helps in Content Distribution

Changing the format of your existing content is the beginning of repurposing content. Promoting repurposed content on different mediums in the form of podcasts, blogs, infographics, and YouTube videos is a type of content distribution. This means that your repurposed content is now accessible to a wide range of audiences over varied social media platforms. This promotes audience engagement and outreach alike. 

  • Save Your Time and Effort

Time plays a significant role in creating content that is experimental in nature.  Integrating the existing content can be advantageous to repurpose across a wide array of mediums. Additionally, it saves time and effort to provide you with greater reach at a lower cost.

  • Maintain Consistency In Posting Content

Maintaining content consistency is a part of your daily task. It undoubtedly provides more audience engagement for your website. Nevertheless, creating new content regularly is a tedious task for anybody. Repurposing content helps to keep consistency by providing high-quality content on different platforms. The plus point is you do not have to worry about creating new content. 

  • Get Authorized

Search engines usually consider your website as an authorized platform if you post a large volume of keyword-rich content with valuable and legitimate sources of information. Thus, repurposing content allows you to share your content across multiple platforms. On the other hand, it increases your chances to rank higher on search engine ranking pages. 

  • Save Unsuccessful Content

There are limited pieces of content that get admirable attention from your target audience. That doesn't mean the quality of content is poor; maybe the format is improper. For example, you have created content in the format of a blog but didn't get as many views as you had expected. Nevertheless, once you have repurposed it into a podcast or an infographic, the engagement would become massive.

  • Build Up Your Message

You do not repurpose content only when there is a content deficit for different platforms. It is imperative to adopt this method when you want to make your brand strong. It shows how passionate you are about your brand awareness and how you want to convey your brand's voice to audiences.

How To Find Which Content To Repurpose?

  • Find Evergreen Content

Find the most creative yet high-quality content from your content inventory and select the evergreen topics. Add these evergreen content topics to your repurposing folder to convert them into other forms of content.

  • Find The Posts That Generate Enormous Traffic

To find the posts that generate high traffic, use Google Analytics. You will see the insights of your business content. The purpose of considering this tool is to be aware of the engagement it creates across the audience. Repurposing this content would build more audience attention on the plethora of platforms.

  • Take The Help Of Keyword Research

Ideal research for keywords is the most effective method to determine which content should be repurposed. This leads you to the topics that are frequently requested by the audience. Choose the appropriate topics based on the audience requirements to boost your on-page and off-page SEO and ranking. Partner with an SEO content writing service to craft content that achieves higher rankings on search engines.

  • Take the help of Buzz Sumo

Buzzsumo helps you to show popular results of the keywords in social media platforms that you input into your content. This allows you to find ample content to repurpose. 

How To Repurpose Your Old Content Effectively?

Different ways to repurpose content are:

Polishing your old blog posts with recent and trending information should be a part of your content strategy. Glancing through the history of the long list of blog posts on your website is bound to highlight some high-quality blogs. Select those blogs and update the information as per the current market information. Moving forward, change the title to match the updated content of the blog; it will attract those readers who have enjoyed reading the particular blog.

  • Prepare A Presentation

Presentations are easy to read and demonstrate an overview of the whole report/blog/article in an effortless manner. Breaking and repurposing content in the form of a presentation offers specific insights into pieces of information that the audience intends to read. You can repurpose the insights, quotes, diagrams, and statistics of reports/blogs/articles into presentation format and share it on social media platforms like SlideShare.

  • Turn Web Content Into Video Content

Nowadays, people enjoy watching content through multimedia more than reading the whole blog post. Visual learning is pre-eminent than regular learning. The audiences tend to take that seriously and prefer visual content over any other content due to its entertaining and knowledge-sharing nature. In that case, you can turn your blog into a YouTube tutorial video by repurposing content method. This way, you will not only share your content with multiple pages but also discover a new way to connect with others as well. You can also add the video link to your blog post so that the audience can choose how they want to consume your content. Transform your web content into engaging videos with the assistance of professionals from website content writing services. With their expertise and experience, these consultants can efficiently repurpose your content.

turn web content into video content

  • Create A Pinterest Board

Pinterest is an iconic platform for infographics, images, and short videos. If your website contains high infographic content, repurpose those infographics on Pinterest. You can create a dedicated Pinterest board and attach your website links to the infographics for better reach. This step will bring enormous traffic to your content and improve engagement.

  • Turn Content Into An E-book

E-books are a lengthy format of content that includes every possible information about the topic of discussion. E-books are preferable and considered the most trusted form of content. The reason being intensive research needed to prepare an e-book helps to authenticate and authorize the content. If you try repurposing content into e-book format, then the opportunity of standing out automatically increases. 

Firstly, you have the information regarding the content that naturally decreases your work. The next step you would have to do is organize, publish, and distribute the e-book. Then, you can broadcast the work online or offline mode. This step will increase the conversion value. You can also share the e-book on LinkedIn. This platform allows you to attract audiences from similar industries and target groups. Require assistance with e-book writing? Reach out to us and learn how to outsource content writing projects to industry experts.

  • Blog Post Into Podcast Format

Nowadays, many platforms like Spotify, Anchor, Castro, and Overcast enable you to host a podcast. Since people like to use the audio format to learn when they cannot look at their mobile phones, computer systems, or while multitasking, you can edit your blog posts in a conversational tone and hire a voice artist to convert the blog posts into a podcast episode. Publish it on your channel. This medium of repurposing content will bring the most out of your existing blog post in an effective manner.

  • Statistics For Social Media Content

One of the exceptional use of collected data is that you can turn it into an infographic and post it on your social media platforms. Readers tend to enjoy an element of visual experience for any information. Statistics create informative yet creative content for social media pages like Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn. The audience believes your brand is up to date about the current industry data. This process of repurposing content gives your social media pages a more appealing appearance. It also conveys to the audience your brand's passion for the growth and development of business.

  • Blog Post On Online Courses

You can turn your blog post into an online course if you are wondering about adapting or repurposing content into video format. It also enables you to identify the objectives of how to repurpose blog content. If you own a blog that contains topics with different sub-topics, then you can make an online course out of it with the help of a subject expert and your business team. After the production of the course, the next step is distribution. The repurposing method will create new opportunities for your brand conversion.

Examples Of Content Repurposing

  • The Content Marketing Institute founder Joe Pulizzi attempted to publish a book called Epic Content Marketing. Still, time was the prime factor that became an obstacle for him to complete it. He had to write about 2000 words in one chapter. 

And the total number of branches was 25. So, the solution he adopted to complete the book was to post content related to his book chapters every week on LinkedIn and the Content Marketing Institute. By adopting this solution and repurposing content, he could complete his book on time with the help of the blog posts he had written earlier.

  • The YouTube channel called Moz posts videos every Friday. On this channel, they cover the topics of search marketing. They publish those videos where experts on relevant topics from their team explain subjects on the whiteboard. 

Video transcription is attached to the video. This makes it easier to read and comprehend the content. They also upload blog posts on their web page so audiences can choose how they want to consume the content.

  • The founder of Convince and Convert, Jay Baer, creates videos on topics such as “from business to social media.” And then, he uses the repurposing content method to reach a broader range of audience. 

The format of content he converts to our blog posts for Convince and Convert, Jay Today website, LinkedIn posts, Medium posts, Podcasts, and so forth.

  • An inspiring example is Ben Hardy, who started blogging in 2015. He had a goal of a growing audience on his website. So, he started posting his blogs on Medium. And surprisingly, some of the content went viral on Medium. 

The popularity led to a massive traffic outbreak on his website. He grew from 0 subscribers to 20,000 subscribers within six months. 

Quick Summary

To put this across in a short and simple manner, repurposing content means reusing or recycling your content to bring new life into it by presenting it differently to attract a larger audience. In addition, repurposing content can benefit your SEO. Search engine crawlers identify an authorized website by observing various types of content that are targeted for a similar group of keywords. Integrating the previous content, the distribution of information becomes more effective for numerous brands.

Try now and experience the new version of lead extraction with old content. Contact us for detailed information!

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