Ten Time Management Tips For Remote Professionals To Improve Efficiency

Work from home! Almost all of us now know what it is like to work from home due to the pandemic. Many have already gone back to the traditional way of working, soon, and many will soon but on the other hand, there will be many that won’t. Those who won’t, require some time management tips to beat the stress that comes with remote working.

Remote working is not a new way of working, it has now become normal as companies are no more reluctant to hire remote employees. Companies across the world have shifted to a hybrid working model. Only those employees are called to the office who are required to work onsite.

In fact, many people are now preferring remote working due to its flexibility and other benefits over onsite working. As per a survey report by McKinsey & Company, 35% of people have a choice to work from home five days a week while 58% work in a hybrid mode in America alone. 

The same report suggests that 87% of people are likely to adopt work from home if given a chance. This is because now they know the benefits of working remotely.

But isn’t it just one side of the coin?

If you have worked from home for a long period of time, you would know that sometimes it becomes difficult to find a proper work-life balance. Those who are new to the system face time management as one of the biggest challenges.

In this blog let us learn some time management tips that are essential for remote working professionals and some tips to keep stress at bay.

But let’s first talk about certain myths that surround the whole remote working scenario.

Myths About Remote Working Professionals

Remote professionals have to deal with some myths in their daily lives. If you are working from home permanently, people tend to question your way of working. Many preconceptions are there. Some of them are:

  1.   Remote working professionals are not productive: It’s a myth! Sometimes, companies are hesitant to hire remote professionals as full-time employees. They usually cite trust issues and low productivity as the main reasons. However, a survey by Upwork suggests that 61% of working professionals believe that they are more productive when they work remotely. Many other studies suggest that remote working professionals can be 47% more productive.
  2.   Remote working professionals are just freelancers: It’s not true! These days many companies are hiring remote professionals as full-timers. Start-ups and other small companies are hiring such professionals to save operating costs. In fact, there are millions of people in the world who have adopted remote working as their way of working.
  3.   Remote working professionals are not accountable: In reality, remote working professionals are extremely responsible when it comes to finishing tasks on time and meeting deadlines. Moreover, companies generally have a contract with remote employees that binds them to work as per the employers’ demands.
  4.   Remote professionals are more relaxed than others: It looks like a dream. Isn’t it? But it isn’t. It’s true that in a remote setting, you can work from the comfort of your home and from anywhere. Though it saves commuting time, a study by Airtasker suggests that remote employees work 17 days more in a year than their counterparts.
  5.   Work from home is working 24*7: It’s contrary to all other myths stated above. Many are hesitant to try out remote working as they feel it is like working all day. But it’s not true. It depends on how you manage your time.

A successful remote working professional is one who knows how to manage his or her time. So, in this blog, you will learn 10-time management tips that can help you streamline your work.

Have A Routine

You will always face issues while working remotely if you don’t have a routine. Work is work. Treat it like it. Follow a routine that you would follow if you had to go to the office.

Set an alarm, wake up, and start working. It is always advisable to keep morning hours for working with a fresh mind. Keep aside some time for taking breaks.

Do you remember the old poem, ‘early to bed and early to rise?’ Well! This can prove to be very beneficial for you in this case.

The most important aspect of having a routine is knowing when to start working and when to stop. If you can sort out and create a proper routine for yourself, managing time for you will be easy.

Focus On One Thing at A Time

Yes! Always concentrate on one thing or one job at a time.

Now, you may have a hundred things to do in a day but it is always good to start with the smallest task, finish it and then move on to the other.

If you start with the smallest task, it will take less time to complete and will motivate you to complete the next task. It will save you from procrastination which is your biggest enemy if you are a remote working professional.

Concentrating on one thing at a time will help you manage time.

Prepare A To-do List

If you prepare a to-do list, it will help you focus on one thing at a time. It is actually followed by most remote working professionals.

To prepare a to-do list, mention all the tasks that you want to accomplish in a day. You can also prepare a to-do list for a week or a month.

How about creating a timetable? Mention how much time you want to give to one particular task and so on.

Always remember, that the to-do list should be prepared according to your time and capacity. Never take any extra tasks and make sure to accomplish everything written on the list. You can prepare a to-do list for the next day in advance.

If you adhere to your to-do list, you are likely to manage time better.

Don’t Let Work Pile Up

The best way to not let work pile up is to finish the tasks according to the to-do list. You should always finish the pending tasks before starting new ones.

It is natural that you won’t be able to finish some tasks by the end of your day. So, you can keep the early hours of your schedule to finish the pending work first and then start the new ones.

Also, don’t start any new tasks towards the end of the day. If you do, it might become difficult to end the task which can cause unnecessary stress. If you don’t carry forward your work to the next day, you will have more time to do the tasks designated for that day.  

Set Priorities

Always know your priorities. Tasks that are more important should be done before the ones that are not. Time-bound tasks with deadlines should be completed first.

You can make good use of technology. You can set reminders and mark in calendars the important tasks so that you don’t miss anything.

You will always meet your deadlines if you set your priorities right.

Be In Touch with Clients

It’s true that you are working remotely but it’s always well to connect with your clients at least once every day.

Now, you may ask how it will help you manage time but knowing what’s important for your clients will help you plan your tasks better and set your priorities.

Also, it’s good to let your clients know about your working style and preference.

Keep People Informed About Your Workload

It’s always good to keep people informed about the workload that you have. If you feel that you have enough work and you are ladened with work then don’t take on extra work.

Never promise something that you can’t fulfill. It will reflect on your credibility. Apart from that, keep time aside for each task and dedicate enough time to fulfill each task.

Create A Separate Working Space

Create a proper working space in your home. Keep a separate room in your home for working. It is also advisable to keep a separate system or laptop for working.

Some experts say that dressing up like you are going to the office actually helps you concentrate on your work.

Having a separate working space will help you avoid all the distractions around you, improve your concentration, and ultimately save you time.

Cut Down Distractions

Even if you dedicate a separate space to work, there can be other distractions that you need to cut down.

In today’s world, social media has become an important part of our daily lives. There are some benefits of social media but there are also some drawbacks.

To save time, close all the tabs on your browser other than work.

Take Scheduled Breaks

In order to improve your efficiency, it’s important to unload your mind. For that, you need to take enough breaks in between.

Now, the breaks should be scheduled. The breaks should not be too long or too short. Taking short breaks to take a round of your house can also be done.

Taking breaks will help you relieve some of the stress and help you come up with fresh ideas and improve efficiency.

Now, here are some stress buster tips for you.

Stress Buster Tips

Yes! Working from home can also be stressful sometimes. There is stress to find new clients, adhere to deadlines, and whatnot. So, here are some stress buster tips for you.

-        Unwind yourself: Well, it’s always easier said than done. Isn’t it? What to do if you feel too worked up and hate looking at the screen only? The answer is to take time out to relax before and after your working hours. Taking time out to relax before and after work is practically possible and can help unwind.

-        Hobbies Time: You can revive an old hobby or can find a new one. The idea is to keep work away from your mind before and after you sit to work.

-        Spend time with others: From one screen to another. From the screen of your laptop to the screen of your mobile phone or television, this is actually the new normal for most of us. Instead, spending time with your family and friends will help.

-        Exercise: To relax your mind, undertake at least one physical activity every day. Research shows that it improves concentration and helps you perform better. 


You can also follow these time management tips to improve efficiency, and productivity and become a successful remote working professional.

If you are looking for amazing remote professionals to work for you, do visit MyTasker to know more.

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