Top 10 Email Marketing Copy Writing Tips


Did you know? 

Emails are one of the most pocket-friendly techniques to promote your business in the market. 

Often the marketing emails rest royally in your spam folder or the archive list which serves no purpose. These emails often lack intent, content, and subject lines, and sometimes target the wrong audience. 

Nevertheless, all the right techniques in your email marketing strategy can help you have a huge presence in the advertisement and marketing arena. 

Your marketing game will be strong if you know how to write an email. A well-framed, simply put, plain text email will perform just like any other marketing collateral. 

The key to writing a well-constructed marketing email is creating a wonderful content copy. Viewers and readers will only open your message if you have something valuable and interesting to say. 

Let us look into valuable elements of content copies for email marketing:

  1. A catchy subject line
  2. An unavoidable message body

Before drafting an email for your brand, you must ask yourself one major question - does your draft copy meet the given guidelines?

Let us first look into the guidelines starting with framing an influential subject line:

How to Create an Attractive Email Subject Line?

Whenever you get an email notification, your attention is focused on-

  1. Brand Name
  2. Subject Line   

The brand name on a marketing email is not enough for the users to open and read the message. There are instances where users avoid emails from prominent companies. Sometimes, the subject line of the email solely decides if your audience will open it. Once you have nailed the email subject line, you have already won half of the challenge. 

Writing an effective subject line is challenging because there is a word limit. You cannot write volumes about your proposition. The goal is to prompt the audience to open the email with limited but catchy words. 

Here are a few tips that will help you excel at writing exciting subject lines:

Use Actionable Language

Be very specific about the objective you want to achieve by sending the email and how your customers will appreciate it. 

For instance - Suppose you are a chef who has written and published an ebook with recipes. For publicity, you wish to share 5 recipes in an ebook online to boost interest in your audience. 

Now your email copy could look like this - “Download Free ebook with 5 Delicious Recipes for Your Loved Ones” Here the word “Download” is actionable. This way, the audience will know the email subject and how it will help them. 

Similarly, “Take”, “Reserve”, “Book”, “Buy”, and “Ask”, etc are a few commonly used actionable words that you may use in your email copies. 

Emphasis on verbs is not the only way to prompt the readers. There are more ways to promote actionable steps. You can fish into your vocabulary bag and pull out some gems that may help you. The purpose is to communicate the idea in clear terms. Set the right expectations with your audience as to what action you want them to take and what are they going to receive in exchange. 

For example, you can choose to write “Miss this Selena Gomez Concert at Your Own Risk”. Now in this subject line, there is nowhere mentioned or implied to take any action. But if you are a Selena Gomez fan, you know you are going to check out the message for details regarding the concert. 

The Art of Personalization

Highly segmented emails perform well with email open rates and click-through rates. As per the data and statistics from the Direct Marketing Association - 58 per cent of finances were generated from personalized email writing and 36 per cent of revenue was generated from emails that were sent to strategically selected audiences. 

Segmenting your emails will improve your email list. A personalized subject line will work wonders on your email marketing copy. 

By understanding the pleasure and pain points of your audience, you will be able to frame a subject line that talks personally to your select audiences. This technique goes beyond the basics of inserting a reader’s first name. New tactics do disappear when a user becomes aware of it and the buzz around it fades. Later it just gets redundant for them. 

For example, you are running an Online Clothing Store. 

Now you have a wide variety of customers listed below - 

  1. People Interested in simple daily wear clothes
  2. Customers looking to buy fancy partywear dresses
  3. The activewear and sportswear kind
  4. Plus size shoppers

It is not mandatory to share all-inclusive emails with your client list. Their needs are different and so are their preferences and choices. 

Much the same way, your subject line changes too. Your subject line will look different for all sets of customers. For instance, one subject line may look like “Hit the Gym In Style, Browse Latest Activewears”, while another subject line may look like, “Slay in these Plus Size Attires” etc. Ensure that each subject line speaks directly to an individual group. If needed, get help from a creative digital marketing agency with expertise in email copywriting to do the job for you.

Clarity First, Catchy Later 

Your subject line should be vividly clear in language. When you are given to express and explain an idea using a limited set of words, clarity could be your chariot. Catchiness can come secondary to the business of creating effective subject lines. Having already penned down a simplistic self-explanatory subject line, you can add the shimmer of fun, cuteness, whim, urgency and everything that you want it to look like. If you cannot make adjustments at all, that is fine too but clarity is the priority. 

Your subject line can evoke many emotions such as making your customers chuckle or smile, or be in awe of the bizarre thing they just read. However, rightfully sending the message to your recipients should still be first on the list.  

Maintain an Alignment for Your Subject Line and Email Copy

You must be aware that aligning your landing page copy and your call to action message is crucial. Just the same way, your subject line must as well align with your message body. 

Once you have established what you are going to offer in the message body through a well-crafted subject line, you must stay true to your promise. Take responsibility for your message and build credibility and a trustworthy brand presence. This will positively influence click-through rates and your long-term email open rates. 

Email open rates and clickthrough rates are interrelated. 

Having figured out how to craft stellar subject lines, now let us move forward to how we can frame classy and interesting email copies:

How to Write an Email Copy

When your goal of attracting your audience’s attention is achieved, your next goal is to impress your audience by writing an email which is clear and impeccable. 

What is the unique tactic to hook your audience throughout the email?  

Let us look into the following insights to keep them coming back for your products or services:

Determine The Relevance of Your Content

Aim for personalization in your copy for email marketing. In addition to adding a dynamic name tag, there are hundreds of other things you can do to apply personalization to your content. Convince your readers that your content is what they are looking for. It is going to add value to their lives. You can add a sentence describing your first association as a consumer and a brand. 

Always showcase your offerings and notify users how you got their information. A customer should not be clueless about the following questions -

  1. Why are you contacting them?
  2. Why are you eager to give advice or share information?
  3. How do you have their sensitive and personal details like location, name, etc? 

You have to clearly explain all the above in subtle words. This strategy significantly boosts your click-through rates. It also increases the chance for your audiences to redeem your offer. 

Create Your Content in the Second Person Narrative

Use pronouns such as “You, “Yours”, and “Your” to address your recipients. For instance, “Write an essay after you finish your mathematics homework.” By addressing your audiences directly, you pull their attention towards you and also orient the content towards the recipient. Your readers become the centre of attention and not your brand.

The above is a marketing email from webby awards. In this example email, you can see how the audiences are directly addressed. The use of “we”, and “our” is limited, whereas the “You” and “Your” is predominantly seen. The intent of the email is expressed in the first two sentences. 

The image highlights a reader-oriented focus than praising the brand. To stay relevant and impart value with this tactic, outsource your email content writing needs to a reliable agency.

Showcase the Benefits and Not the Features

Being in business, I am sure email management is a regular task. Regardless of the awareness of your audience towards your brand, it is your duty to constantly update them about your mission, vision, and offerings. 

The problem arises when businesses begin to explain their products or services, and features instead of explaining the benefits which actually concern the audiences. Highlight the benefits of your products and services more than the features. It resonates better with your audience. 

Instead of flashing a certain percentage of discounts to your audience, you are required to explain how the product or service will benefit the reader. For example, you are selling shoes, Just like all businesses, you plan on giving discounts - say 10-25 per cent. But how do you add more meaning to this? I will tell you how - 

In addition to boldly flashing the discounts, you should describe the benefits of the features. Use adjectives like breathable, lightweight, comfortable, flexible, etc, to pique the audience's interest. When a recipient reads through the many benefits that your footwear can offer, they are motivated to check out your products. Suppose a user with foot pain is looking to purchase comfortable shoes. They never think of shopping for it when they open your email. However, once they read the benefit like “Wear these comfortable shoes”, they instantly are reminded of their need to purchase the footwear. The audience is now compelled to take action and they visit your website to check out your collection. 

Write Brief Copies

Being an email copywriter, the biggest mistake you can commit is putting the whole story in one email copy. When you are a reader, do you open a marketing email and read word for word? Not everyone has the energy and time to read the entire email. If the subject line appeals to you, the maximum you will do is to practically glean through the content before taking action.

Eliminate unnecessary information and shorten the content to highlight only essential details. Write brief compelling stories to reduce human effort and increase click-throughs to a page. 

Write succinct email copies with exactly 1 call to action button that works wonderfully to increase your sales. 

Develop a Lovable Personality

Just as you know, websites need a personality, and so do your emails. Even if you want to keep the audience informed with your emails, always be quirky and make the emails engaging. 

Emails can prove to be a great option to display your brand’s amazing personality. Professional email writing revolves around building a distinct presence as well as developing strong and meaningful relationships with the readers. It is not difficult to achieve. There are actually brands who excel at this and users are usually more than happy to read them only because it makes them laugh. 

Humour your audience and you are good to go. Use concise and custom language that communicates with your audience like a friend. Apologize to the audience in case of any mistake. Convey all preventive measures you will take to avoid any such occurrences. 

Bold fonts, one-liners, and single-sentence paragraphs are some easy techniques to encourage the audience to stop and read your email message. Give your brand a human touch and develop an empathetic bond with your readers. 

Include Actionable Words in Your Call-to-Action Button

Call to action should essentially be a part of your email marketing campaign. Make sure that your call to action button is easily available at an identifiable place. Remember that users scan emails casually and you have to direct them to the CTA. 

There are two virtues to a brilliant call-to-action button:

Brilliant Design - Design your call-to button in bold and bright colours. Use shades like red, yellow, orange, or green to demand the user’s attention. A bold and catchy design will boost its visibility. 

Brilliant Copy - The message on the button is of utmost importance. Use short, clear and actionable language. 

You must spend some time optimizing your emails for effective call-to-action phrases. While emails with images are popular, simple plain-text emails perform better comparatively. To garner more attention you can hyperlink call-to-action buttons. When a recipient reads through the text, the bold letters, astounding graphics, and other colours will motivate your audience to take a desirable action. 

Bottom Line

Email marketing is an effective tool to support businesses of all sizes. It is a cost-effective solution that reaches a wide audience range. You can target a specific set of audiences with dedicated messages. With emails, you can add a personal touch by communicating directly with your target audiences. 

Email writing best practices can immensely affect your sales. You will be able to build a strong and powerful brand image that wins your customers’ trust. 

You can also integrate email marketing with other marketing channels utilizing automation tools. This will drive your engagement and conversions to a whole new level. 

Having adopted all the email marketing strategies, it is crucial for you to measure the performance of each campaign. Track CTR, email open rates, conversions, and variable metrics. It helps to identify the best strategy for your brand and areas for improvisation. 

Eye for success in the long run than short-term appreciation. 

MyTasker is a digital marketing agency and is known to be one of the best content-writing companies offering a wide range of solutions for all your online marketing needs including email writing services. Our experienced digital marketers prepare unique and customized email marketing strategies. 

If you want more insights on how you can ace your email marketing game, check out more of our articles on varied topics related to digital marketing at MyTasker

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